Tempe Vision Zero


project OVERVIEW

Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and serious injuries, while increasing safe, healthy, equitable mobility for all. Vision Zero acknowledges that traffic deaths and severe injuries are preventable and sets the goal of eliminating both in a set time frame with clear, measurable strategies.

Vision Zero is a multidisciplinary approach, bringing together diverse and necessary stakeholders to address this complex problem. In the past, meaningful, cross-disciplinary collaboration among local traffic planners and engineers, police officers, policymakers, and public health professionals has not been the norm. Vision Zero acknowledges that there are many factors that contribute to safe mobility - including roadway design, speeds, enforcement, behaviors, technology, and policies - and sets clear goals to achieve the shared goal of zero fatalities and severe injuries.

Y2K Engineering is assisting the City of Tempe to facilitate workshops with a diverse group of stakeholders to identify strategies and actions for the City’s Vision Zero initiative in the areas of Education, Engineering, Enforcement, and Emergency Response. Y2K was also tasked to prepare visually striking and comprehensive meeting materials to summarize the efforts and set a clear path for continued implementation to meet the Council’s adopted performance measure to “achieve a reduction in the number of fatal and serious injury crashes to zero” in the City of Tempe.

Click here to see the full Tempe Vision Zero Report


services provided

  • Public Involvement

  • Stakeholder Involvement

  • Workshops

  • Visually Striking